The Many Faces of Feeling Stuck

Feeling stuck has many faces. Sometimes it looks like thinking, thinking, thinking without taking action. Lack of a solid plan or fear keeps you spinning your wheels and avoiding taking action. The tricky part is that you can confuse all of that thinking as brainstorming or creating something. It might be, but often it is only an avoidance tactic. You’ll know the difference between incubating/creating and avoiding taking action by whether or not you are feeling stuck.

On the flip side, you might be doing, doing, doing and it will feel like you are being productive, but you are exhausted. When you take a closer look at it, you aren’t delegating, you aren’t focusing on what you do best, you have your hands in everything and really aren’t moving forward. You might even hire someone to assist you, but then don’t train them or communicate clearly. You feel frustrated because they have proved your point – no one can do it as good as you can. It’s a tricky cycle. Do you see how this is keeping you stuck?

Another face of “stuck” is when you are constantly overwhelmed and get fuzzy. You tell yourself that you can’t possibly write that marketing copy because you can’t think about what to say. You delay returning that email until tomorrow, when then you’ll be more articulate. It’s another tactic to keep you from moving forward.

Another face of “stuck” is when you are feeling stressed and do anything to take the pressure off, but not the action that moves you forward. You have reached the tipping point and know that it’s time to take action. You know that you must do something, but can’t figure out what it is.

Are you tired of feeling stuck and want to stop spinning your wheels as you work harder and harder? Are you exhausted by trying all of the great ideas that simply don’t work for you? Have you been beating yourself up because you aren’t as successful as you’d like to be and don’t know what to do next?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then let’s talk. It’s time to get you unstuck so you can be working with ease, making plenty of money, and having fun while you do it. I guide my clients to identify their perfect clients, talk to them in language that lands, and create a framework so the whole process is more profitable.

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