Archive | Expectations

Tangled Cords

Tangled Cords – How Do They Happen?

How in the world do cords get tangled when they are simply sitting in your computer bag? It is a mystery to me! Gotta love the Universe – I’m writing this at a coffee shop and looked up to see a woman untangling headphone cords from her purse! Life is like that, too. How do relationships get […]

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Do You Make Things More Difficult for Yourself?

Here’s the big question of the day. Do you make things more difficult for yourself? Or, am I the only one? This particular dilemma is seemingly simple and yet it is reflective of many things in life. So, here goes. We were in Colorado last week and I took tons of beautiful pictures. In my last […]

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Cucumbers to Pickles – Transformation

We made pickles over the weekend and it started me thinking about transformation. There is the obvious transformation of cucumbers turning into pickles when you add garlic, peppers, dill, and brine. Then there are the not so obvious transformations that occur in our lives. One transformation, for me, this weekend was letting go of feeling like […]

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Random Thoughts

I have been struggling to come up with a really good thought of the week that’s related to the holidays and have started many blog posts, but still haven’t come to the one that sticks. So, here are some random thoughts, not particularly related to any one thing. I hope they spur some thoughts for […]

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