Have you ever thought about how much time you spend waiting? There is waiting in line, waiting for your appointment, waiting for a big event, waiting for a phone call, and then there is waiting for things to change. The tricky part about waiting for things to change is that life continues to live itself […]
Archive | Choice

We actually have many, many choices
We often look back in our life and judge the choices that we have made as right or wrong. They are neither. When you come to a place of new choice you look back and see how you have gotten here. You cannot get from point A to point B in a straight line – […]

I have been thinking about the idea of perfection lately and the pressure we often put on ourselves to be perfect. So many of our ideas about what is perfect come from our personal history, our families, and our society. Life is a work in progress, and I forget that. We get to make choices, […]

Volcano in Iceland
I was in Germany when the volcano in Iceland erupted. When it happened I didn’t really think it would affect me, hah! All flights were canceled out of Germany and the initial word was that it might be 2-3 weeks before they would reopen airspace. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming because there were no […]