This may only resonate with a few of you, but I wanted to share it anyway. It was a powerful reminder for me. The other day I was meeting a friend for lunch. I looked online for restaurant ideas since neither of us were familiar with the area. I found a review for a cafe […]
Tag Archives | minding your mind

Minding Your Mind
Minding your mind means paying attention to what you are thinking and also recognizing when your mind is in charge rather than you! We often find ourselves thinking things that are not in our best interest, repeatedly thinking the same thing as if worrying about it or obsessing about it affects the outcome. The underlying […]

Volcano in Iceland
I was in Germany when the volcano in Iceland erupted. When it happened I didn’t really think it would affect me, hah! All flights were canceled out of Germany and the initial word was that it might be 2-3 weeks before they would reopen airspace. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming because there were no […]

The Humor of GPS in Germany
While traveling in Germany for 2 weeks I found the joy and the humor of using a GPS. It was invaluable getting me from point A to point B. The humor is in the way that I sometimes got to point B. If I missed a turn, the GPS automatically re-routed me and in the […]