Have you ever thought about how much time you spend waiting? There is waiting in line, waiting for your appointment, waiting for a big event, waiting for a phone call, and then there is waiting for things to change. The tricky part about waiting for things to change is that life continues to live itself around you while you are waiting. How often do you wait without taking action? How often do you wait for someone else to make “the” move or change? How often do you think that things will change if you wait long enough?
Often when we are waiting we forget to live in the present moments of our life and we miss what’s actually happening in the here and now. We get all caught up in the drama or fear of the waiting game, which can lead to blaming the other person or the situation or anything outside of us. I’m not suggesting that you should blame yourself, it’s absolutely not about blaming anyone.
What I am suggesting is that when you are in the waiting mode you are often giving up choices in your life and slipping into the “victim” role or you are allowing others to make decisions for you. When you take action or make a choice you are being active in your own life rather than being reactive. When I am in the space of waiting I often feel like my life is living itself around me. That waiting posture can be very seductive. It is easy to think that if only “they” would change or the situation would change that you could make a choice or a decision. The problem with that is that you are in a holding pattern.
In past posts you have seen a theme, it doesn’t matter what step you take – start something. Sometimes it’s as simple as taking one small step in the direction that you want to go. It might be listening to a training on the internet. It might be taking a brisk walk outside. It might be making the first call to a potential client. It might be taking time to journal and see what words of wisdom flow from you into your pen. The true benefit of that small step is that you have shifted from waiting to action; becoming an active and awake participant in your life. Enjoy!
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