Struggle or Flow?

Struggle or flow? That is the question. Which is your go-to position? I know that seems like an odd question because you might think that, of course, you would choose flow. However, is that really the case? Think both about your current life and your past. Do you struggle and find things difficult or do you find that you are in the flow and things are easy?

One thing that I have noticed is that sometimes I am in the flow and then start to struggle. Instead of reveling in the ease of things I start questioning and make things more complicated. When I notice how I have complicated things I just shake my head, chuckle and shift gears. What things have you struggled about that initially were going smoothly?

Think back to times that have been going really well and how that feels. What are the things that contribute to flow in your life? How can you create more flow and less struggle? Often when we are looking at change we do so because we are tired of the way things are currently going. We then look at all of the reasons we don’t like the situation. We aren’t quite sure what we would like instead, but know it isn’t this. What if you looked back at the times that you were the most happy or satisfied? What if you remembered the things that bring you a sense of joy? What is the thread that runs through those times? How can you create more of that? It’s time to slip into the flow!


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