While traveling in Germany for 2 weeks I found the joy and the humor of using a GPS. It was invaluable getting me from point A to point B. The humor is in the way that I sometimes got to point B. If I missed a turn, the GPS automatically re-routed me and in the southern part of Germany “going around the block” may be a 20 mile adventure!
The first day I was out driving, on a route that I thought was going to be fairly easy, I found myself out in the middle of nowhere in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps in farm country. Unfortunately, I didn’t pull over to take pictures because I was on a one lane, dirt road and I was afraid to stop in case someone else happened along. I’m not quite sure why I thought that since I didn’t see anyone else during the hour that I was wandering the back roads, but in the moment that was my mindset. And, there really wasn’t any place to pull over to since it was a one lane dirt road!
My mind was very busy on that stretch of the drive. One of the other reasons I didn’t stop and get out was because I didn’t want to stop the car in case it didn’t start again. Why I was concerned about that I don’t know, but as I said, my mind was very busy. It ended up to be one of the most scenic drives I took and once I got in control of my mind I stopped, took some deep breaths and told myself that I would eventually get back to civilization I was able to enjoy the beauty. Isn’t it funny how we so often let our minds run the show?
A second time that I “missed my turn” was on the way to Neuschwanstein (the fairy tale castle) and here is what I stumbled upon.

As you can see, this is a very basic road, and it is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It cracked me up that there was a McDonald’s sign posted on the side of this barn.
And, here is another picture of a view I wouldn’t have seen if I had not taken a “wrong turn”. See, I did learn to go with the flow and took pictures to show it!
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