A picture of me with a picture of me

I love little life surprises, the unexpected. My husband found slides my grandfather had taken of me when I was little and created a photo gallery for me. Here is a picture of me next to a picture of me. How fun is that????


I was in a funk yesterday, actually about my not having blogged in awhile, and then came across this picture and it immediately shifted my energy. Isn’t it interesting how fluid our emotions are? Think about a time when you were having a heated discussion with a family member or friend and the phone rang. How did you answer that call? I’m guessing with a smile and a friendly “Hi, how are you?” The heated discussion set aside and sometimes forgotten. We so often let our emotions be our leader, not remembering that we get to change them in the moment. Like you, I forget that I don’t have to hold onto the emotion of an interaction (or maybe it’s only me and not like you at all).

So, here’s an “aha” from yesterday’s funk. I had been thinking that I should only post things that were meaningful or “full of wisdom”, which stalled me out. This is a judgment that I had put on myself – not from anyone else! From here on out I will be posting random bits that cross my mind. They may be funny, they may be meaningful, they may be obscure and they will all be what’s on my mind in the moment. Hope you enjoy!

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