Random Thoughts

I have been struggling to come up with a really good thought of the week that’s related to the holidays and have started many blog posts, but still haven’t come to the one that sticks. So, here are some random thoughts, not particularly related to any one thing. I hope they spur some thoughts for you as you move through the holidays. And, that they give you more space to truly enjoy yourself and the people around you.

  • What do you do when you have an expectation about how something will turn out, and it doesn’t? I guess the real question is how can you let go of those expectations and still have fun?
  • What is your biggest joy during the holidays?
  • What is your biggest challenge? Can you shift that to a joy by not taking it personally?
  • What would be your biggest gift of self that you could give someone?
  • What if you decided that you could disagree with someone without making them wrong?
The holidays often give us many opportunities to stay on purpose, especially as we are with family and friends who we haven’t seen for awhile. We often have an expectation about how the “perfect”occasion looks and it rarely turns out that way. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself the gift of generosity, not only with others, but with yourself too!
I wish you a joyful holiday season and appreciate your contribution to my life this year.

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