Life’s Little Pleasures

The other day my husband and I went to my favorite home goods store to see what was new. As I was coveting almost everything in the kitchen gadget bins I thought about how many of them I would like to buy. When faced with these choices my practical voice usually shouts long and loud in my head – wait until they are on sale, what you have is good enough, you don’t really need that gadget – and so on.

As I was standing there I decided that I would shift my thinking and choose one item because it would make my life easier. So, I consciously made my selection from the space of abundance and choice. I went to the counter to pay for my item and stood behind a woman who was having her purchases boxed up. She turned to me and asked me if I would like her 10% off coupon since she wasn’t going to be using it. As we walked out of the store I started laughing because I got a gadget that I wanted and I got it on sale. And, the best part was that a stranger had asked me if she could do something nice for me.

That was a golden moment. I love it when things align and I get a nice surprise. My husband commented that it sure doesn’t take much to make me happy. And, he is right. I am delighted when I notice those synchronicities, when I see people doing the unexpected, and when I see people connecting.

What are some of those golden moments that you have experienced in your life? Have you noticed that when you recognize those synchronicities, that you seem to have more of those moments show up? What little things delight you?

PS The picture above is from one Christmas when our dog, Brisco, was opening one of his presents. Each year he showed pure delight as he bounded around opening his treasure – it truly was one of life’s little pleasures to observe that exuberance!


2 Responses to Life’s Little Pleasures

  1. johnny February 22, 2012 at 9:37 pm #

    that's the best possible picture you could've used for this. brisco!!

  2. Cindy Dove February 23, 2012 at 2:25 pm #

    I agree, it is the epitome of one of life's pleasures!