How Do You Stop Amid Chaos?

Orange OrchidHow do you stop yourself when you are in the midst of chaos? I think the first step is to recognize that you are in the state of chaos.That sounds pretty simple and yet it can be a challenge.

Chaos can take many forms. It might be overwhelm at work. It might be resistance in your mind to something that someone else says. It might be rushing from one thing to the next in a hectic day without an opportunity to take a breath. What I am proposing is that when you recognize that you are in the midst of chaos, whether in your mind or externally; stop, step back, take a breath, and look at the big picture. Are there any places that you can delegate? Are there any steps you can combine? Are there any limiting beliefs you can let go of? Are there any ways you can make things easier for yourself? Can you let go of some of your “shoulds?”

When we get in that state of overwhelm we often get caught in the vortex of thinking that nothing can change. Look back at the questions I posed in the last paragraph and see if you have any resistance to thinking that you have any choices or options. Notice if your mind slams shut and in effect says, “Too bad, this is the way it is and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Let yourself step back and see even one small change you can make. It gives you space to look more expansively about the options you do have.

The process is not always easy and it is not always simple. Just this morning I had an instance where I really resisted a suggestion that someone made. I knew that my reaction was bigger than the situation called for, but I couldn’t figure out why. My mind got all caught up in the drama. The good news is that I recognized it and am in the process of exploring what’s really going on for me. It almost, if ever, is about the other person and the question is one of how do I want to be.

I think when we get caught in the busyness of our days we sometimes forget to see where we can take a different action. It can seem that we have no control over what is going on around us or even how we are thinking about things. This week, let yourself be kind to yourself. Stop, step back, take a breath, and see where you might give yourself the gift of choice and recognition.

2 Responses to How Do You Stop Amid Chaos?

  1. Jan April 28, 2013 at 10:01 am #

    Thanks for that. I was awake most of the night with things that are beginning to overwhelm me. I will today stop, step back, take a breath, and see where I might make a choice and relax.

  2. Cindy Dove April 28, 2013 at 10:11 am #

    Isn’t it interesting how many places our minds take us? I’m delighted that you recognized your mind chatter and are stepping back to relax and simply be. Good job!