What is Calling You?

What has been calling you lately? Sometimes it’s a small voice in the quiet of your mind. Sometimes it’s elusive and it floats through your mind, but you can’t quite grasp it. Sometimes it’s a big, loud, can’t miss it tug on your sleeve! Which ever way the call is, are you answering?

Have you noticed how things tend to come up again and again? Have you had the sensation of something seeming so familiar? What has happened when you follow the one thing that just won’t let you go? What has happened when you don’t follow that idea?

What have you thought about off and on over the years? What have you wanted to do, but have stopped yourself each time it popped up? What have you let yourself dream about and then taken steps to bring that dream into a reality? What has been calling you to pay attention?

This week let yourself notice what is calling you. Is it a new job, the trip of your dreams, a more connected friendship, a new adventure, the time to slow down and be? What if you decided to take action on one thing that you have been thinking about for weeks, months, or years? Maybe it will be a small step, maybe it will be a giant leap. There is no wrong way to answer a call, one that has been niggling around in your mind. It is there for a reason, trying to get your attention. Now is the time to pay attention to that voice and give yourself the gift of answering that call.

One Response to What is Calling You?

  1. Karen May 13, 2013 at 12:14 pm #

    Thought provoking as usual. Thank you