I just looked out the window and saw dark clouds and heard thunder. Since we haven’t had rain in a month it was quite a surprise. I decided to step outside and take a picture because the bands of dark clouds looked so intriguing. When I came back in the house it was really dark […]
Author Archive | Cindy Dove, Life Coach

Noticing my judgments and an aha
I am sitting at Caribou doing some planning and writing. I find it very energizing sitting among other people. Now, here comes the judgment part. I am sitting near a group of retired men who have talked about so many random topics that it almost makes my head spin. They have now spent half an hour […]
Curious – Inquisitive
I have often talked about holding the space of curiosity vs seeing things as fixed and solid. And yet, personally when I get stuck, it is usually when I have forgotten to be curious – oops! I was reading a book last week and the author talked about how she is inquisitive. It got me […]
Has Grenelda popped into your life lately?
Grenelda and Herman Thurman are the characters who live your life when you are not fully awake in your life. I was introduced to Grenelda and Herman many years ago in the book, Living on Purpose, by Brown, Paulson, and Wolf. I had a Grenelda moment last night and thought I would share. I had […]
Last week the wireless mouse for my laptop stopped working. After much troubleshooting, to no avail, I thought I’d better go out and buy a new one. Then I realized that almost the only time I use the external mouse is when I play a computer game. And, almost the only time I play a computer game […]
Joy and Enjoy!
I saw a hummingbird taking a sip from the flowers on my deck the other day and it made me smile. First off, a few years ago I gave up planting flowers in my yard – I just wasn’t very successful. Part of it is lack of a green thumb and part of it is […]