Joy and Enjoy!

I saw a hummingbird taking a sip from the flowers on my deck the other day and it made me smile. First off, a few years ago I gave up planting flowers in my yard – I just wasn’t very successful. Part of it  is lack of a green thumb and part of it is low Workability. I don’t see the flowers because they are in the side yard, except when I drive past the house. Great curb appeal, but by the time I have parked the car, gotten into the house, and put away the groceries, watering flowers is no longer part of my thought process.

So, I solved that problem by getting several different colored big pots and put them on my deck. I not only can see them when I’m out here writing or simply hanging out, but I can also see them from the living-room and kitchen. Since I see them all of the time I actually see that they need water and then act on it. I bought a nice watering can to use, rather than the hose. For some reason getting out the hose and putting it away seems like a lot of work. The watering can is quick and easy – another problem solved.

And, the really cool thing is that apparently hummingbirds like the flowers I planted this year. I not only get to enjoy the beauty of the flowers, but I also get to see the occasional hummingbird. It’s often the really small things that bring me joy!

When I started writing today I wanted to focus on the words joy and enjoy, which led me to flowers and hummingbirds. The questions I have for you are these:

  • What do you enjoy?
  • Do you let yourself do those things? So many people have the belief that they can only enjoy something if they have worked hard first.
  • What additional things could you do this week that you enjoy? At least three things – you deserve it!

Notice and embrace the things that bring you joy. Act on them and see how that feels. Let yourself build momentum of things that you enjoy.


PS Fun tip – Enjoy!  is how I sign all recipes I share with friends. I want to imbue the recipe not only with the love of food, but the joy of sharing and connecting. I also sign and date my recipes and have others do the same when they give them to me. It is so much fun to see how long I have been making a recipe and where it came from. I have some recipes that I have been making for over 40 years – yikes!

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