Yellow Dahlia (2)

Flexibility, Freedom, and Framework

People usually fall into one of two camps – love structure, hate structure! Today I am talking to the “hate structure” group. Often, not wanting structure is grounded in your desire for flexibility and freedom and your belief that structure/framework impedes that. What I have discovered is that a framework actually helps you gain more […]

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Hilton Head Sunset (1)

The Upside of Shifting from Should to Could

There is a difference between should and could. “Should” always has a judgment attached to it and “could” offers you choices. It doesn’t matter if you say it or think it, every time you use “should” you set up an internal resistance. You may not even be aware of the resistance, but it is there. […]

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The Many Faces of Feeling Stuck

Feeling stuck has many faces. Sometimes it looks like thinking, thinking, thinking without taking action. Lack of a solid plan or fear keeps you spinning your wheels and avoiding taking action. The tricky part is that you can confuse all of that thinking as brainstorming or creating something. It might be, but often it is only an avoidance […]

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Prismatic Pool Mist

“I Don’t Know” is Not the Answer

How many times do you answer “I don’t know” when asked your opinion? Is that answer your way of avoiding taking a stance? Do you defer to others so you don’t have to figure out what it is that you really want? It’s a dodge! It’s a way for you to get the other person to […]

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Difference Between Busy and Taking Action

There is a difference between being busy and taking action. A plan guides your actions, leading you to the completion of projects rather than the spiral of doing, doing, doing. The past few weeks we have been talking about spinning plates and the chaos and overwhelm created when you don’t have a focus. A plan, focus, and action are the […]

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Second Tip for Fewer Spinning Plates and Less Chaos

Last week we talked about spinning plates and how you can simplify your chaos. Another step to gain control of the chaos is focus. The challenge is that when you are in the midst of chaos you often can’t see how to focus. Do you find yourself jumping from one thing to another never taking the time to […]

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