Tag Archives | stories

What judgments might be getting in your way?

Judgments are often the stories that we tell ourselves and then we act as if our interpretation is true. Our judgments get in the way of having a larger, more expansive life. Our judgments also interfere with our relationships, especially when we give meaning to something as if it was true. My husband and I […]

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One of Life’s Little Reminders

Here is a piece of writing I did a while back as I was waiting at a tire shop  for a tire to be repaired. Yes, I do carry paper and pen with me everywhere I go! The writing is in journal form and I haven’t changed any of the tenses. So welcome into a […]

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Struggle is the illusion that we cling to

I was at the Arboretum yesterday enjoying a perfect Fall day – mid 60’s, slight breeze, plenty of sunshine, and a brilliant blue sky.  I was sitting at a pond soaking up the beauty and a dragonfly landed near my feet.  In Native American teaching dragonfly symbolizes illusion.  I let my mind wander to see […]

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