Do You Know What is Fun for You?

This may seem like a strange question, but I think it could use some reflection time. Do you know what is fun for you? As we move through life we often forget what we think is fun. We go along with what everyone else thinks is fun, when it really doesn’t “hit home” for us. Do you allow yourself to claim what is fun for you without making yourself wrong or apologizing?

The three life energies do things very differently and find different things fun. Sometimes the challenge is to know what you think is fun. And, sometimes the challenge is to recognize what is fun for someone else, without judgment. For instance, I love sitting around talking with family and friends, having  conversations about Life. A friend told me that she looks forward to cleaning her house and getting it organized. I almost couldn’t type those words. She was looking forward to the fun of it! But then I took a step back from my judgment and realized that she does have fun making her house look beautiful, like I have fun talking with friends. Neither one is right or wrong and neither one of us has to apologize for what is fun for us.

Another example is how my husband and I approach going to the movies. It takes us 10 minutes to get to the movie theater and I’m happy leaving 10-15 minutes before the start of the movie. John, on the other hand, wants to leave about 20-30 minutes before the show starts. He wants to have time to get popcorn, find the perfect seat and settle in before the start of the movie. It hit me the other day that it was a Life Energy difference. My Aliveness is ready to go at the last minute and his Truth wants the experience  to be perfect. The good news is, I now recognize that if we’re on a tight schedule we won’t be seeing a movie that day. And, I am doing it without judgment of how John approaches the experience. Neither one is right or wrong and we both get to say what is a fun experience for us.

What things are fun for you? It may have been years since you really thought about it and you may be in for some wonderful surprises.

PS the picture at the beginning of this post is a sign we saw in Germany and it cracked me up – it was fun!


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