Tag Archives | judgments

Cindy Dove

What Inspires You?

Woman sitting in chair, reading, and drinking a mocha. What inspires you to take action? How do you prime the pump to take action rather than simply think about something? Priming the pump is an oldie, but a goodie about getting a start to create flow. The chatter in your mind can keep you running […]

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Cindy Dove

Reconnection and Curiosity

Woman holding abalone shell burning sage This has been an incredibly complicated 18 months. As things start to open up, how will you reconnect? Last week I was delighted to see people’s smiles at an outdoor cafe. I felt giddy! We all smiled, said hello, and were happy to see each other. And, I’m talking […]

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Spinning plates with motion blur. The background can be extended for text.

How Many Plates are You Spinning?

Do you have so many plates spinning that you can’t figure out how to get control of the chaos? Are you adding one more plate, then one more plate, and then yet one more plate? Do you wake up in the middle of the night worrying about which plate is going to come crashing down? Is […]

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Curious – Inquisitive

I have often talked about holding the space of curiosity vs seeing things as fixed and solid. And yet, personally when I get stuck, it is usually when I have forgotten to be curious – oops! I was reading a book last week and the author talked about how she is inquisitive. It got me […]

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What are You Up To?

The question of “What are you up to?” has many, many connotations. It could mean – “what kind of mischief are you up to?”, which is often the context when asked by a parent. It could mean – “how much energy do you have and are you up for doing something?” when asked by a […]

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