I’ll Be Inspired Today, Maybe

I was hoping for inspiration for this blog and felt stuck. “Maybe” might be the operative word today as far as being inspired.  Nothing is coming to me and that feels a bit scary. I have committed to myself to write at least one blog a week this year and I need inspiration, now! So, I am going to do what I know works for me – take some action. Many people, including me, get stuck when we don’t know quite what the next step should be. And, the reality is that it doesn’t really matter what step you take next.

I can hear your mind jumping in – “What do you mean it doesn’t matter what the next step is? I need to know what to do next.” My answer to that is “yes” and “no.” Sometimes the act of taking action leads us to inspiration. It opens the gateways to new thought and allows us to get out of our own way.

I am not suggesting that plans aren’t valuable. Although, when you are stuck or confused you often can’t even remember that you had a plan, much less what the next step might be. When you are confused about something and don’t know quite what to do next it’s only your mind getting into the action. Confusion is a sign to take a step back, let your fear subside, choose an action, and do it. We can spend so much time thinking about things, analyzing them, worrying about them, and waiting for the perfect inspiration to strike that we keep our selves immobilized.

Sometimes we want to take the perfect next step rather than take a step that we aren’t sure of. Guess what, life is a series of decisions. Your decision doesn’t have to be the perfect one at all. It only has to be one action. You can ask yourself the question, “What one thing can I do today that will move me closer to my goal?” It may be that you spend an hour writing in your journal, it might be making the call to the person you have been avoiding, it might mean playing with your dogs and freeing up your mind chatter. Inspiration comes in many forms. And, often all we need to do is move out of the chatter in our minds and allow “the” thing to drop in.

What could be one action you could take today that would move you closer to your goal?

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