Cucumbers to Pickles – Transformation

We made pickles over the weekend and it started me thinking about transformation. There is the obvious transformation of cucumbers turning into pickles when you add garlic, peppers, dill, and brine. Then there are the not so obvious transformations that occur in our lives. One transformation, for me, this weekend was letting go of feeling like I have to be in charge and letting other people take over and do the steps. That is a biggie for me.

In the past, John and I have done the pickling process by ourselves. This time we had my sons and their girlfriends helping. And, we weren’t only making pickles, but also making rub and sauce for smoking a pork shoulder. The kitchen was full and everyone was focused on their task. I noticed that there were several times that I really didn’t have anything to do. And, that was a challenge for me to simply enjoy the fluid movement of everyone else doing the work.

I’m used to being in charge in the kitchen and also being the one who is doing most of the steps. It was a good opportunity for me to step aside and let the next generation flex their very capable culinary wings! That’s how we learn new things – by doing them. Sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes we get the exact result we were hoping for. In my family, however things turn out, we always say – “That’s just the way we like it!” It allows for lots of trial and less than stellar outcomes. Although, I have to say we rarely have a real clunker.

What are some of the transformations you have noticed in your life? What are some areas that you would like to create a transformation? This week begin to notice what areas of your life aren’t going the way you had expected or would like. How could you begin to think differently about them and what could you do to make one small change? We often avoid making changes because we are overwhelmed by the perceived enormity of the process. The truth is that one small change can transform everything. What is your next small change?


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