
John and I are in Colorado this week. We drove directly from the airport to one of my most favoritest (I know that’s not a word, but it fits) places on the planet, Shrine Pass. Shrine Pass is at about 10,000 feet and has a 360° view of mountains. I first went there over 20 years ago and it still holds magic for me.

As I sat there looking out at the snow-dusted peaks I thought about how great it was to simply be there. Then my mind got into it and I started taking pictures, that’s the “do” part. I then reminded myself to simply be and soak in all of the beauty.

After a few minutes I got up and started walking around re-exploring the area. Realized I was again doing and went back to my rock and sat down to “be” once more. The Frank Sinatra song with the lyric “do be do be do” went through my mind as I recognized that it described what was going on for me. I thought about how difficult it is for me to sit still and quiet my mind. It took me quite awhile of back and forthing to “be” without doing.

We have gone back to that spot several time this week and each time it has been easier to still myself and be in the moment. I am fascinated by how active my mind is and how tricky it is to quiet it down and be in the moment. I have recognized that as we have hiked in the mountains I have been able to soak in the beauty and notice very quickly when my mind wanders.

As I mention in my workshops – our minds are like unruly two year old children. They go from place to place very quickly and our job is to pick them up and bring them back. The same holds true for our minds, when we start to wander we can gently bring our minds back to the moment. The moment is truly the only place to be.

I encourage you to notice when your mind wanders, especially when it wanders into an area of guilt or “shoulds.” Gently bring your mind back to the moment and “be.” How could you set aside a specific time to “be” rather than “do” this week? That will look different for everyone, so what resonates for you when you think about being rather than doing? Have fun with it and be gentle with yourself. Notice when you are in the cycle of do-be-do-be-do and see if you can end the cycle with “be.”


2 Responses to Do-be-do-be-do…Be

  1. Janet Herzog October 5, 2012 at 6:47 pm #

    Hi Cindy,

    Colorado is a beautiful place. Glad that you are there enjoying its grandeur! I was thinking about how it usually takes me several days to dial down to vacation mode. And then a few short days later I have to learn to readjust to the faster work/life pace. Wish I could get into the slow down mode faster … hmm … wait … slow down faster?

    • Cindy Dove October 5, 2012 at 7:24 pm #

      Your comment made me laugh out loud! Isn’t that the truth? When I was writing this blog I was thinking about how to “do” being and laughed at myself.