Clarity of Vision vs Shoulds

There are three things that often occur – what we say we want, what we really want, and the action we take. They don’t always align. What would it look like for you if you knew what you wanted, said what you wanted, and then took the steps for you to have what you wanted? Often is comes down to clarity of vision. Do you have a clear vision of what it is you want, whether it is in your work, in a relationship, in your own free time, in your family?

The challenge for some people is to let yourself even think about what it is you really want. Those pesky “shoulds” rear their ugly little heads and we say we want what we think others want to hear or what we have always said in the past. What if for the next week you paid attention to the number of times you use the word “should”? There is always a judgment attached to a should, which gives you a clue that you aren’t in alignment with what you say you want and what you really want. For this week I’m not asking you to change anything, simply notice when you think or say that you “should” do something. I think you might be surprised how often “should” goes through your mind or out of your mouth. Then again, maybe not at all.

This process can help you get a start for the beginning of the new year. I’m not big on making resolutions, which often have judgments attached to them. I prefer to create clarity and intentions. So, this week begin to think about what it is that you really want in the coming year. Also, notice when “should” pops into your mind. I would love to hear your observations.

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