The Massive Struggle of Indecision

IndecisionHave you ever been stuck in indecision, only to struggle, struggle, struggle? There is a massive element of struggle in indecision. We often have the belief that if we just wait long enough the right decision will strike us. Or, we have the belief that we make the best decisions under pressure. What usually happens in that scenario is that we agonize, wish we could figure it out, wish someone else would figure it out, and then the moment of decision arises and we pick something.

The issue is that we are making the decision as a reaction rather than actually making an intentional decision. When you are feeling confused or overwhelmed it is likely time to step back, recognize what is true about the situation (vs how you wish it was), look at your choices, and then make a decision.

This feeling of struggle and indecision can be your fall-back position. It feels familiar and has been your strategy for dealing with overwhelm. Whether it’s in business or your personal life there is another strategy that works every time – the question, “What one action can I take right now?” Even the smallest action shifts the dynamic tension of indecision.

Overwhelm often occurs when it seems that there are too many steps or when you cannot see a clear next step. Here’s the secret – it doesn’t matter what action you take. Simply taking an action begins to dissolve the knot of struggle. Try it and see what happens. Leave your comments below. I’d love to hear about your action-taking experiment.

PS I had to laugh because I was writing this while I was waiting for a quote to repair my car. I thought it was a brake problem and then found out there was an additional problem that had two parts to it. I talked to my husband about our options and we started to struggle about which things to fix/replace and which ones to hold until later. It was such a perfect example of indecision and struggle. Once I recognized what was happening we quickly made a decision and I was on my way. I love how the Universe aligns.


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