Is it Time to Pause?

Sun After the SnowIs it time for you to pause? We live such busy lives, sometimes almost even hectic, that we often forget to pause. Do you run from project to project? Do you check your phone for emails, texts, or posts frequently? Do you feel the need to get more things done with not enough time to do them?

I’m suggesting that you take time to pause, especially when you feel that you are overwhelmed or over-scheduled. When you take time to step back and breathe, to let your mind relax, to step away from the stresses of your extremely busy life, you will find that you have more ability to accomplish those very things with less anxiety.

When you pause and give yourself some time, even 15 minutes, you begin to fill up your reservoir. That then lets you have fresh eyes, more focus and less of that feeling of frantic overwhelm. It gives you space to break down those tasks into do-able, manageable pieces.

The paradox is that when you take time to pause and refresh yourself you can be more productive without the stress and anxiety you felt earlier.  I know that it flies in the face of what sounds logical, but when you pause, you find that time seems to expand and you have a greater ability to attend to the details with more ease.

Prior to writing this blog, I sat down to meditate to see what might come up for me to write about. I had to laugh at myself because what first popped in was, “pause.” Then I proceeded to think about pausing – I know, the irony!

Try an experiment – become intentional about pausing and letting your mind rest, which might look like meditating, walking outside, working out, sitting and looking out the window or whatever looks like a pause for you. Try this daily for a week and see what happens. Do you find that you have more time when you pause? Do you feel less stressed and overwhelmed? Leave a comment below and share your experience with pausing.



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