“If” is a tiny word that packs a lot of power. It can stop us cold or it can lead to exploration. Have you ever had any thoughts like these? If I get this promotion, then I will be successful. If I fit into these skinny jeans, then I’ll look good enough to find that […]
Author Archive | Cindy Dove, Life Coach

How Do You Handle the Unexpected?
There are so many ways to handle the unexpected and some serve us well and others not at all. We have those “go to” ways of dealing with surprises. For some of us it’s to add drama, for others it’s to get really quiet and go inside, and for yet others it’s time to kick […]
Where Does Your Mind Get Hooked?
I have been paying attention to when and how our minds get hooked. Sometimes those moments are significant and other times they are not. I am going to share an example of a really insignificant one, however muy mind got hooked anyway. I even hesitate to write this example because it shows how quickly my […]
How Do You Shine?
Here’s a glimpse into how my mind works. It’s February and we have a bright, sunny day today. I love sunny days and as I was writing this sentence at my favorite coffe shop I just overheard, “It’s a bright, shiny day today.” Isn’t it interesting how things line up? So back to how my […]
What Motivates You?
What motivates and inspires you? Are you motivated by encouragement from other people? Are you inspired by seeing that someone else has achieved a dream like yours? Is it easy for you to feel motivated at the beginning of a project only to get thrown off course when problems arise? Or are you someone who […]
Grenelda Rides Again
Many of you know the fictional character, Grenelda Thurman. For those of you who are new to Grenelda, here’s the scoop. She is the one who is living your life when you aren’t paying attention. She was fully active in my life this weekend! Last night I made chocolate chip cupcakes and when I took […]