January Robins

Done is Better than Perfect

I took a workshop this weekend and the presenter said something that struck me right at my core. “Done is better than perfect. Perfect along the way.” The second sentence has an emphasis on the second syllable of perfect – looks the same when written, but sounds different when you say it. I have spent […]

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Monet Iris


I have been thinking about compassion lately. It weaves through being in the moment, letting go of judgments, and seeing what is yours to do and what is theirs to do. What if you looked at others from the space of compassion rather than judgment? What if you held to neutral or compassion rather than […]

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Vision Board

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Traditionally, as the year winds down people start making resolutions for the new year. I am going to suggest a slightly different approach. Often those New Year’s resolutions are about changing your body shape, changing your job, being “better” at, you fill in the blank, etc. The focus is on seeing things that are wrong […]

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Tuesday I was at my Uncle Bob’s funeral. As I left the luncheon I spoke briefly with my cousin, Bill. He said that when he spoke at the service he had forgotten to say one thing that his dad had always said to him, “It doesn’t cost anything to be kind to someone.” As we […]

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Clarity of Vision vs Shoulds

There are three things that often occur – what we say we want, what we really want, and the action we take. They don’t always align. What would it look like for you if you knew what you wanted, said what you wanted, and then took the steps for you to have what you wanted? […]

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