Thanks and Giving

I have been thinking about thanks and giving. Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US it’s a great day to ponder the two words. During this season we often reflect on those things we are thankful for. I am going to suggest a slightly different way to think about it. What if you began thanking […]

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Struggle or Flow?

Struggle or flow? That is the question. Which is your go-to position? I know that seems like an odd question because you might think that, of course, you would choose flow. However, is that really the case? Think both about your current life and your past. Do you struggle and find things difficult or do […]

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A Week of Wow and Aha

I am going to tell a few stories today about my week and the insights that I had. Several weeks ago I made a birthday cake for my son. I actually made the cake three times and each time it turned out flat, flat, flat. Frosting between the layers and on the top and sides […]

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Refresher About Life Energies

Do you wonder why you do things so dramatically differently from other people in your life? Often it is because you have a different primary life energy than they do. Here’s a little refresher about life energies. We all have three Life Energies – Aliveness, Truth and Workability. What we hold dear, how we make […]

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When we were hiking in Colorado a few weeks ago I was mesmerized by the reflections in the lakes of the mountains, trees, and clouds. I took many, many pictures and have taken time to reflect (cheesy, I know, but it’s true) about what my fascination with reflections was all about. The obvious answer is […]

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