John and I went to see Crosby, Stills, and Nash at Ravinia with our longest time friends. The four of us first saw CS&N 40 years ago! When David Crosby sang “let your freak flag fly” I thought about how careful we often become in life. When was the last time you let your freak […]
Archive | Thoughts
…a succession of ordinary days
I was reading a novel this weekend and came across this quote by Goethe, “A man can stand anything, except a succession of ordinary days.” I have been pondering this quote now for several days and my mind has been all over the map with it. On the one hand I know that I love […]
Where Does Your Mind Hang Out?
Where exactly does your mind hang out? Does it like to think about the same thing over and over? Does it like to think about worst case scenarios? Does it like to look for the possible up-sides to a challenge? Does it worry about things that you have no control over? Does it worry about […]
Intentions vs Resolutions
For the past 15 years I have been setting intentions at the beginning of the year rather than making resolutions. To me, there is a big distinction between a resolution and an intention. With a resolution I feel a lot of pressure, either I do it perfectly or I fail. How many times have you […]
Struggle is the illusion that we cling to
I was at the Arboretum yesterday enjoying a perfect Fall day – mid 60’s, slight breeze, plenty of sunshine, and a brilliant blue sky. I was sitting at a pond soaking up the beauty and a dragonfly landed near my feet. In Native American teaching dragonfly symbolizes illusion. I let my mind wander to see […]

A picture of me with a picture of me
I love little life surprises, the unexpected. My husband found slides my grandfather had taken of me when I was little and created a photo gallery for me. Here is a picture of me next to a picture of me. How fun is that???? I was in a funk yesterday, actually about my not […]