Where Does Your Mind Hang Out?

Where exactly does your mind hang out? Does it like to think about the same thing over and over? Does it like to think about worst case scenarios? Does it like to look for the possible up-sides to a challenge? Does it worry about things that you have no control over? Does it worry about things that you do have control over? Does it flit from idea to idea? Does it methodically think about things step by step? Does it allow for surprises? Does it relish in the joy of a beautiful day? Does it look for ways to be happy?

Minds are interesting things. We often think that our minds are in control and that we must think what ever our mind dishes out. However, you actually get to think what you want to think. And, some days it is a full time job to get your mind in line with the thoughts you want to think! I have to admit I had a day like that yesterday. My mind went into worry mode about one thing, and that lead to worry about something else, which lead me to yet another thing I “had to” worry about. It took me awhile to recognize what I was doing and then, to shift my thinking. And, it was tricky. It was like a spiral downward until I had the “aha” that I was worrying about things that I had little or no control over. I then asked myself, “What one action could I take?” I went outside in the sunshine and started reading a book about marketing for my business. Now, none of the things I was worrying about were related to business, but I knew that if I took one action, in any area, that I could shift away from my repetitive worrying.

When you recognize that your mind is hanging out in an area that you don’t like you have the opportunity to change your mind. Sometimes that shift comes in the form of a talk with a friend, a walk outside, writing in your journal, asking someone for help, or doing something that nourishes you. In my workshops I often use the example of our minds being like unruly two-year old children. They are going every which way. Like the parent of the two-year old, your job is to pick your mind up and put it down in a new place, giving it a new direction. And, like the parent of the two-year old, you will do it over and over and over until you create a new pattern for yourself.

Where does your mind like to hang out? Do you think thoughts that support you in creating the life you want? Do you think thoughts that judge yourself? (We often don’t even recognize when we do this) Do you think thoughts that expand your possibilities? Do you let yourself think thoughts that make you happy? Sometimes, even in the quiet of our own minds we don’t let ourselves explore what it is that we would like. So, the question is, where is your mind hanging out?

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