Tag Archives | judgments

Wangen Rose

What Difference Do You Want to Make in the World?

When I speak with people, they often express that they want to make a difference in this world. They talk about not quite knowing what they want to do or how they might do it, they just know they want to make a difference. They want to matter! What contribution would you like to make? […]

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Clutter seems to be the focus for many people lately. Or, more correctly, clearing the clutter. Last week I spent the better part of a day clearing the inboxes of my two email accounts. I had over 300 emails in each account. I had read most of the emails, thought I should keep them because […]

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February Sandals in Chicago

Perspectives and Assumptions

Well, today is February 29th – a bonus day! I had a big “what???” today and thought it deserved a blog. I live in Chicago and it is 60 degrees today. Yes, it is 60 degrees and it is February 29th and that is a picture of me in sandals, today. I was relishing in […]

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Yesterday I had a conversation with the checker at Trader Joe’s about win-win. And, I told him that win-win was one of my intentions for this year. It fell out of my mouth and yet it felt right. What if I framed things in the context of win-win? I wonder what I would change and […]

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Do You Know What is Fun for You?

This may seem like a strange question, but I think it could use some reflection time. Do you know what is fun for you? As we move through life we often forget what we think is fun. We go along with what everyone else thinks is fun, when it really doesn’t “hit home” for us. […]

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