Tag Archives | small steps

Cindy sitting at desk with feet propped up, talking on the phone with hand raised in celebration.

Celebrate Your Small Steps

Cindy sitting at desk with feet propped up, talking on the phone with hand raised in celebration. How often do you celebrate taking a small step toward your desired outcome? Or do you only celebrate when you’ve reached your goal? The interesting thing about acknowledging small steps is it primes your brain to continue taking […]

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Ask for What You Want

Many, many flavors of ice cream! Begin to ask for what you want. Imagine what it would mean for you to know what you want and then ask for it (from yourself or others). It changes everything! Here’s a simple example of asking for what you want. How often do you choose the same old […]

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Spinning plates with motion blur. The background can be extended for text.

How Many Plates are You Spinning?

Do you have so many plates spinning that you can’t figure out how to get control of the chaos? Are you adding one more plate, then one more plate, and then yet one more plate? Do you wake up in the middle of the night worrying about which plate is going to come crashing down? Is […]

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Vision Board

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Traditionally, as the year winds down people start making resolutions for the new year. I am going to suggest a slightly different approach. Often those New Year’s resolutions are about changing your body shape, changing your job, being “better” at, you fill in the blank, etc. The focus is on seeing things that are wrong […]

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Do You Make Things More Difficult for Yourself?

Here’s the big question of the day. Do you make things more difficult for yourself? Or, am I the only one? This particular dilemma is seemingly simple and yet it is reflective of many things in life. So, here goes. We were in Colorado last week and I took tons of beautiful pictures. In my last […]

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Cucumbers to Pickles – Transformation

We made pickles over the weekend and it started me thinking about transformation. There is the obvious transformation of cucumbers turning into pickles when you add garlic, peppers, dill, and brine. Then there are the not so obvious transformations that occur in our lives. One transformation, for me, this weekend was letting go of feeling like […]

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