Forest for the Trees

There is an expression – I can’t see the forest for the trees.  I was thinking about that in relationship to Life Purpose the other day and here’s my spin on it!  The definition usually means that you get so immersed in the details that you can’t see the whole.  It also brings to mind that you might see the trees, but not know that it’s a forest, or that you see only one tree and don’t even recognize that there are other trees.  Here’s how it can relate to your expression of Life Purpose.

Your Life Purpose comes naturally to you and often times you don’t recognize that it’s anything different from how anyone else interacts.   Yet because it is your Life Purpose, you have this intrinsic knowledge of things, so when you try and explain something you may forget that the other person doesn’t have your complete constellation of information.  And, what can happen is that you think things are intuitively obvious and that you have imparted all of the information and the other person has only grasped a small portion of what you are trying to communicate because they don’t have your foundation.  The red flag that I use is when I think something is intuitively obvious that usually means  I need to pay attention and touch base with the other person to make sure they understand what I am trying to say.  Perhaps much like this post.  It makes sense to me, how about you?

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