The Ups and Downs of Change

Change is in the air and I find myself tapping into the ups and downs that are associated with change. I have to laugh at myself because if  you have been at any of my workshops or read many previous posts you know that I talk about change. I talk about being in the moment and not judging. Well, it appears that I have been experiencing the old – do as I say, not as I do. Yikes, I am pretty sure that I am not alone, so let’s work through this.

Here’s the brief backstory and hopefully there will be an aha that you can take away at the end. I never know where a post is headed when I start, so I am going to trust that I will get to some realization at the end. I have been in the process of selecting a new logo. Along with that goes a new website, with a new look. I thought that I would be able to keep the “old” site live while I worked on the new site behind the scenes, but that is not what happened. So now, there is a work in progress where the old site used to be, which is what you are seeing currently if you are reading this.

I have been looking at my desire for perfection lately and how I can let go of that drive. It too is a work in progress. So, how this contributes to the ups and downs looks something like this – I selected a logo design and then started to second guess myself, not knowing what I really want. Or, at least, that is the story I’m telling myself. I think when we feel confused or say that we don’t know it is a way to distract ourselves from the issue at hand. It is a way to defer responsibility for making choices. And, one thing I always say is that a decision is simply a decision. You live with it for awhile and then you get to a place where you will make another decision. When I judge that a decision has to be the right one I have very little room to explore possibilites and am pretty much headed down the road of a perceived failure. It sets up the duality of right and wrong, which is filled with judgment.

So, now back to the website process. I have been choosing fonts and size and page layouts, etc, which for some people is fun! I’m not quite sure why, but then again it isn’t my area of strength, so it leads me down the path of second guessing and doubt. I am excited by the prospect of a new look – which is the “up” part of the process and am daunted by the Workability aspects of the process, which relates to the “down” part of the process. And, to be fair, I think it’s more about my desire to be perfect that leads to the “downs”. The good news is that as I become more aware of those “perfect” moments I am able to set down the judgments and give myself more room to maneuver.

Change occurs in many areas of life – actually all areas. It may be in the area of creating a new website or as significant as a job search after having been downsized. One thing we can count on is that change will occur. How we navigate change is up to us.

My question to you is how do you navigate change? Are you buffeted about by the ups and downs or do  you go with the flow? And, sometimes it will be both. When you recognize that you are judging yourself or have expectations about the change at hand are you able to get movement? And, here we are now at the “aha” and it’s nothing new – life is a process and the more we are present in the moments of life the more quickly we can shift from those areas where we are judging ourselves and create space for forward movement to occur. Or maybe it’s not forward movement at all, but movement nonetheless. Enjoy the journey and let me know about your particular ups and downs. We are often inspired by what others experience and take away a nugget for our own life.

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