How Do You Find Inspiration?

I have been trying to get a start for this blog with no success, so thought I would pose a few questions. What do you do when you can’t figure something out? Do you keep pushing – hoping to be struck by inspiration? Do you step away from the problem and do something else, opening the way for inspiration? Do you meditate and clear your mind, allowing inspiration to pop in? Do you listen to music, draw, eat, work out, take a walk, or play a game and then find that inspiration has popped in when you have given that busy part of your mind a rest?

I see a theme here – inspiration. When I am inspired I feel light and at the same time, energized. Time seems to stand still. I find that ideas flow and I am excited to see how the project will unfold. I can’t remember a time that I was inspired and it felt heavy and plodding, filled with struggle.

So, that begs the question – how do we create that feeling of lightness especially when we are in the space of “where, oh where, is that inspiration I so desperately need?” One idea is to create a list of things that lighten you. For the next few weeks notice those things that create a lightness in you and jot them down. Simply notice what you are doing when you feel energized. Your list you will help you remember the very things that can shift you from struggle to inspiration. Often when we are in that place of struggle we can’t even remember what might help shift the energy, hence the list.

One of the things on my list is to go outside with paper and pen and simply write about nothing in particular. Another thing on my list is to turn on music – loud! More things on my list are – read a book, take a walk, draw (even though I’m not particularly good at it), brainstorm with a friend, do the dishes (weird, I know, but I happen to think that there are some really creative ideas in water – just think of all of the great ideas you have had in the shower!).

What if you set aside struggle and burden and allowed yourself some space for inspiration? What will you do this week to create lightness in your life and allow inspiration to find you?




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