
The Massive Struggle of Indecision

Have you ever been stuck in indecision, only to struggle, struggle, struggle? There is a massive element of struggle in indecision. We often have the belief that if we just wait long enough the right decision will strike us. Or, we have the belief that we make the best decisions under pressure. What usually happens […]

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Maroon Bells

My Mind Was Like a Bungee Cord

Have you had the experience of jumping into plan B only to have your mind run amok? A few weeks ago we planned to fly from Chicago to Denver. When we arrived at the airport we discovered that all flights out of Chicago had been cancelled with no word about when flights might begin again. […]

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Tioga Pass Sunstream

It’s Time to Be Both Bold and Introspective

Are you ready to be both bold and introspective? Have you become focused on the other people in your life and forgotten who you really are? Have you gotten pulled around by all of your obligations at work and at home so that you can’t focus on what’s important? Are you overwhelmed by the enormity of everything […]

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Dad at wedding

Transitions, Transitions, Transitions

Transitions seem to be in the air right now. I have had numerous conversations over the past few weeks about transitions and the challenges that they bring. Transitions can be tiny or they can be huge. Transitions come in many forms and none of them is insignificant. Transitions could be the kids going back to school, […]

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McDonald's Dirt Road

Who is Grenelda Thurman?

Several people asked me about Grenelda Thurman after reading last week’s blog . I forget that not everyone knows who she is. She is a fictitious character first introduced in Living On Purpose in 1988. Grenelda Thurman is the one who is living your life when you are not paying attention. She can pop in for […]

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Dark Chocolate w:flash

Life Lessons of Chocolate

I remember the first time I realized that I could buy one piece of chocolate at my favorite chocolate shop just because I wanted one. It was about twenty-five years ago. This seems like a fairly simple thing and yet it was a big deal and here’s why. I had always thought that chocolate was […]

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