
Judgment vs judgement

I had a conversation yesterday about the odd spelling of the word “judgment.” I always think that it should include the letter “e” because there is no logical reason to eliminate it from the root word, judge. However, the first listing in the dictionary is judgment with an afterthought of judgement listed as an “also” […]

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Double Rainbow

Context and Perspective

Have you ever stopped to think about how your history, the era in which you grew up, affects your perspective? I had a conversation last week with a friend and we talked about how when we were growing up your family had one phone and it was attached to the wall. There was no such […]

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What is Calling You?

What has been calling you lately? Sometimes it’s a small voice in the quiet of your mind. Sometimes it’s elusive and it floats through your mind, but you can’t quite grasp it. Sometimes it’s a big, loud, can’t miss it tug on your sleeve! Which ever way the call is, are you answering? Have you […]

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One of My Favorite Days of the Year

This is one of my favorite days of the year – the day that our magnolia tree is in full bloom! It has a beautiful shape and smells great. The petals have a unique texture. The petals look delicate and yet when you feel them, they are thick and a little bit waxy, but velvety […]

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How Do You Stop Amid Chaos?

How do you stop yourself when you are in the midst of chaos? I think the first step is to recognize that you are in the state of chaos.That sounds pretty simple and yet it can be a challenge. Chaos can take many forms. It might be overwhelm at work. It might be resistance in your […]

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Do You Save Things or Use Them?

Do you save things? Or, do you use things? Or, do you use things until they are almost gone and then save them? If you fall into the latter category you likely have jars and bottles in your refrigerator and on your shelves with a little bit left in them. And, they have been that […]

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