Let Your Freak Flag Fly

John and I went to see Crosby, Stills, and Nash at Ravinia with our longest time friends. The four of us first saw CS&N 40 years ago! When David Crosby sang “let your freak flag fly” I thought about how careful we often become in life. When was the last time you let your freak […]

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How Do You Find Inspiration?

I have been trying to get a start for this blog with no success, so thought I would pose a few questions. What do you do when you can’t figure something out? Do you keep pushing – hoping to be struck by inspiration? Do you step away from the problem and do something else, opening the way […]

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The Turn of a Phrase

I was thinking about the saying, “enough is enough” and have only heard it in the context of – enough already, stop asking, enough is enough. And, it is usually delivered with a tone of exasperation. However, I was thinking about what it might actually mean and here is something for you to consider. What […]

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Let’s Do a Happy Dance

It rained last night – thunder, lightning and pouring rain, kind of rain! That warrants a happy dance because we are in the midst of a drought here in Chicago. I can’t remember the last day we had rain for more than a 5 minute stretch. It’s really the little things in life that bring […]

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Santana Wisdom and a Trip Down Memory Lane

My husband and I went to Ravinia this week to see Santana. For those of you who don’t live in Chicago, Ravinia is an outdoor music venue with a small pavilion and very large grounds that can accomodate 20,000 people. The thing that makes this different from other outside venues is that you can bring […]

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Spiral Staircase Italy

Your perspective, their perspective and then what?

Perspectives have been the topic of the day for the past several weeks. I have been noticing when my perspective differs from others and when other people seem to have differing perspectives. What I have noticed is that it is not the differing perspectives that lead to problems, but when we cling to the rightness of our […]

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