When I speak with people, they often express that they want to make a difference in this world. They talk about not quite knowing what they want to do or how they might do it, they just know they want to make a difference. They want to matter! What contribution would you like to make? […]
Walking on Silk Day
Today is a glorious day – it is walking on silk day. What is that, you ask? It’s that one day of the year when the magnolia petals fall to the ground and you get to feel them on your bare feet. It feels like silk! I love, love, love it. There are some years […]
Where Does Your Mind Hang Out?
Where exactly does your mind hang out? Does it like to think about the same thing over and over? Does it like to think about worst case scenarios? Does it like to look for the possible up-sides to a challenge? Does it worry about things that you have no control over? Does it worry about […]
Traditions and Roots
When I was a little girl my grandparents told us that whoever saw the first robin each year, drew a picture of it, and mailed it to them would get a nickel. My cousins and I were so diligent, looking for robins because we wanted to win that nickel. My father continued the tradition with […]
Clutter seems to be the focus for many people lately. Or, more correctly, clearing the clutter. Last week I spent the better part of a day clearing the inboxes of my two email accounts. I had over 300 emails in each account. I had read most of the emails, thought I should keep them because […]
Perspectives and Assumptions
Well, today is February 29th – a bonus day! I had a big “what???” today and thought it deserved a blog. I live in Chicago and it is 60 degrees today. Yes, it is 60 degrees and it is February 29th and that is a picture of me in sandals, today. I was relishing in […]