Raindrops on Branch 2

Are You in Liminal Space or Cell Soup?

Do you feel stuck in neutral? You might actually be in liminal space. Liminal space is that space between spaces. It’s as if you are standing in a doorway, not yet in and not yet out. Another way to describe it comes from my friend, Bev Grall. She talks about “cell soup.” Cell soup is […]

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Bird house painting 2

Same Instructions, Different Results

Have you been in a group, received the same instructions, and then experienced dramatically different interpretations of what was said? Did you end up with unexpected, incomplete, or unwanted results? The example I’m going to use was in a social setting and yet it happens in business and in relationships every day. I went to […]

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Teal All Stars 2

How Visible are You?

How often are you fully visible? Do you have this push/pull where you want to be seen, but also want to hide out? You want to say and do what you know is the thing that will make a difference and yet, you don’t want to risk being judged. Do you have an unconscious fear […]

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Thomas Dambo Troll 2

Are You Bombarded by Mind Chatter?

Are you bombarded by mind chatter? Are you cranking things out at work, rushing, meeting deadlines, just getting it done? Are you plowing through your projects, checking them off so you can get to the next project? At home are you continually checking email, social media, your cell phone? I’m not referring to the natural […]

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Pink Flower

Wabi Sabi Revisited

Wabi Sabi is a Japanese concept with many translations. One that resonates for me is – the beauty of age and wear, simplicity, and acceptance of imperfection. We live in a society that reveres the new, sleek, slim, fast, perfect … And yet, perfection is not all it’s cracked up to be. It puts so much pressure on […]

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Frog Crossing Sign

Would You Like a Good Laugh?

I laugh every time I see this photo! Who knew that frogs crossing the road was a problem???!!! When was the last time you flat-out laughed at the ridiculous, the absurd, or the quirky? We often get so enmeshed in our day-to-day lives that we forget to laugh. What causes you to laugh so hard […]

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