Spinning plates with motion blur. The background can be extended for text.

How Many Plates are You Spinning?

Do you have so many plates spinning that you can’t figure out how to get control of the chaos? Are you adding one more plate, then one more plate, and then yet one more plate? Do you wake up in the middle of the night worrying about which plate is going to come crashing down? Is […]

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Cairns Atlantic Coast

When Does It Count?

When does it count? If you ask for help, does it count? If you aren’t perfect, does it count? Do you have that little voice in your head that says, “If you ask for help, then it means that you aren’t good enough?” That voice may not use those exact words, but there’s someplace inside […]

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Big Hair HS Graduation (3)

Cayenne for Cinnamon, Oops!

How often do you have an oops experience and then berate yourself for doing it wrong, not being good enough, should have known better, yada, yada, yada? A few weeks ago I decided to make Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies – had my dry ingredients in the bowl, grabbed the cinnamon and shook it into the flour. […]

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Do You Have Tenacity?

Do you have tenacity? Last summer I saw a beautiful example of tenacity. I watched a 2-3 year old girl try to teach herself to jump rope. The rope was way too long for her size, but she determinedly picked up the rope, put it behind her, swung it over her head, and then stepped over it. She repeated […]

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Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

What Scares You?

What scares you? And, no, I don’t mean spiders, clowns, or flying. What scares you in the middle of the night? It might be something that you don’t even want to share with your closest friend. And yet in the quiet of your own mind, it scares you, night after night. Are you afraid that […]

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