Life Purpose tug

Yesterday I had an interaction with a stranger that was a tug for my life Purpose of Guide. I met a woman in a store and she started talking with me. She was limping and wearing a bandanna and I learned very quickly that she was in her third round of chemo. She shared her story with me about how much pain she was in and wasn’t sure that she wanted to continue being on earth. As I listened to her story she began talking about her work with autistic children and young adults and how she treasures them. She talked about one girl in particular that was an “angel” to her. She described how she empowered this young woman and the interactions the two of them have. As she spoke about these students her face glowed and she had a look of lightness about her. Each time she mentioned her students her face changed – she had a huge smile and had a radiance about her. I suggested that she remember her angels each time she felt hopeless, even if she has to remind herself minute by minute.

As we were having our conversation I was aware that this was about Life Purpose for me and that she was talking to me for something. I was able to rivet my attention to her and listen until I saw what it was that I could guide her to – the joy that she still feels in her life. I love it when out of nowhere I have an interaction with someone that ends up being a powerful experience. Sometimes it’s a matter of being aware that the person is tugging on our sleeve for your purpose and then paying attention until you know what to say. And, sometimes it’s simply the power of listening without interrupting and letting the other person travel his or her own path to a discovery.

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