Maroon Bells Refelection

Reflections: There is No Perfect Life

I am fascinated with taking pictures of reflections. I am intrigued both by how perfectly the reflection mirrors what I see and also how with a hint of a breeze that reflection becomes distorted. The reflection can be clear or rippled. You can still see the image, but it isn’t quite the same. This is often how experiences happen […]

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Crandon Park Beach

Jumping In and Out of the Moment

Have you ever noticed your mind jumping in and out of the moment? I was vividly aware of it on Tuesday morning at 3 am. We were scheduled to fly to Miami at 10:25 and the forecast was for freezing rain. I woke up and started to worry about whether or not we were going to […]

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Tioga Pass Morning Mist

What is Your Next Aligned Action?

What is your next aligned action? I specifically included the word “aligned” because we often are so focused on taking action, any action that we forget to discern whether or not it is an aligned action. An aligned action is one that aligns with you internally, with your goal, and which leads you in the direction you […]

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Sun After the Snow

Is it Time to Pause?

Is it time for you to pause? We live such busy lives, sometimes almost even hectic, that we often forget to pause. Do you run from project to project? Do you check your phone for emails, texts, or posts frequently? Do you feel the need to get more things done with not enough time to do them? […]

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Sparkly Snow Shadows

Do You Say “Yes” when You Mean “No?”

How often do you say “yes” when you really mean or want to say “no?” It becomes saying yes, with resentment and leads to a whole host of unpleasant experiences. If you recognize this one pattern it can change your life immeasurably. When you say “yes” and you really want to say “no” you often feel resentful, […]

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Snow on Deck

What Last Mesmerized You?

What is the last thing that mesmerized you? It happened for me on Monday. We had 18 inches of snow on Sunday in Chicago. On Monday, I was entranced by the sun, sparkling snow, patterns of shadows, and a brilliant blue sky. So much so, that I spent about two hours taking pictures of those […]

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