Do You Make Things More Difficult for Yourself?

Here’s the big question of the day. Do you make things more difficult for yourself? Or, am I the only one? This particular dilemma is seemingly simple and yet it is reflective of many things in life. So, here goes. We were in Colorado last week and I took tons of beautiful pictures. In my last […]

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John and I are in Colorado this week. We drove directly from the airport to one of my most favoritest (I know that’s not a word, but it fits) places on the planet, Shrine Pass. Shrine Pass is at about 10,000 feet and has a 360° view of mountains. I first went there over 20 […]

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Age Isn’t Even a Number

Last night we went to see Peter Gabriel and I had many thoughts running through my head during the show. He is 62, his voice was spot on and he had high energy throughout the show.  I was thinking about how in the past people might have thought that “rockers” wouldn’t be relevant into their […]

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The Power of a Wave and a Smile

There is a school crossing guard near my house who helps children safely cross a busy street. What makes her noteworthy is that she waves and smiles at each car that passes by. And, she has been doing so for years. I have to admit there have been times that I have gone out of […]

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Step Back and Take a New Look

I have driven past this sign for years and chuckle each time I see it. I shook my head the first time I saw the sign and had to think about what it meant. It seems like there is no way to get to Linden Place, no way to turn. How many times have you […]

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