I heard a question posed the other day, “What if you only made choices that were loving and kind to you?” That got me thinking about the many choices we make in a day, week, month, or year and how many of those choices are really loving and kind to ourselves? We live in such […]
Author Archive | Cindy Dove, Life Coach
What if You Would Simply Be Who You Are?
Last night I went to hear Chris Herren, a former NBA player, speak to a gymnasium of athletes. Chris was a high school basketball phenom who went on to play in college and the NBA. He had a bright career in front of him, in fact at the superstar level, and ended up going from […]
What Do You Want From a Relationship?
What do you want from a relationship? When asked that question we typically think about personal/love relationships. What I am really asking is what do you want from relationships in all categories – friends, lovers, business, family, co-workers, community group members, etc. Where do you feel compromised, unheard, stuck? When do you feel respected, heard, […]
Are You a Fixer-Upper?
This may only resonate with a few of you, but I wanted to share it anyway. It was a powerful reminder for me. The other day I was meeting a friend for lunch. I looked online for restaurant ideas since neither of us were familiar with the area. I found a review for a cafe […]

Do You Claim What You Want?
Do you claim what you want? Or, for that matter, do you even know what you want? On the surface I know that sounds like a question that you would answer, “Of course I know what I want!” However, I am going to challenge you a little bit. Sometimes we don’t let ourselves think about […]
Cucumbers to Pickles – Transformation
We made pickles over the weekend and it started me thinking about transformation. There is the obvious transformation of cucumbers turning into pickles when you add garlic, peppers, dill, and brine. Then there are the not so obvious transformations that occur in our lives. One transformation, for me, this weekend was letting go of feeling like […]