Tioga Pass Sunstream

Journey Into Self

Twenty five years ago I took a class, Journey Into Self, and it changed my life. I remember sitting in that first class and hearing Jo Ann Wolf say that this could be an irreversible encounter – it was. Ever since then I have been seeing the world through the lens of Life Energies and […]

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One Way No Turns

I Laughed So Hard I Cried

This morning I read a post about autocorrect texts and I laughed so hard I cried. After the first ten I had to get up and get a tissue because I couldn’t see to read the rest of them. The further I read, the harder I laughed. It felt so good to laugh that hard […]

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That Sneaky Fear of Seeming Greedy

I had an interesting aha the other day. I received a check from one of my coaching clients and the thought that ran through my head was, “I should wait a few days to cash this.” That thought felt familiar so I explored what was underneath it. The reason I didn’t want to cash the […]

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Sunset as Essence

Experiencing Essence

I had a very powerful experience of essence at a workshop earlier this week and wanted to share it with you. During the three days I was there we talked about your business being an expression of your essence. At the very end of the workshop we stood in front of one person at a […]

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Have You Fallen Off the Resolution Wagon?

If you have fallen off the resolution wagon, not to worry. I have heard many reasons why – it’s been really cold and I couldn’t get out to do X. I’ve been down with that nasty bug that’s been going around. And, while those things are true, they aren’t the reason that your resolutions have […]

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Christmas Ornaments

Looking Back at Your Successes

Today I encourage you to look back at your successes in a particular way. Remember those times that you loved what you were doing – you were energized. They may have been at work, or in your personal life, or a combination of many different areas. We are closing in on the end of the […]

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