#SantaC with icons (1)

I Still Believe

Santa has come to my house every Christmas Eve since I can remember, so of course, I believe! He’s really good because he has found me at my grandma’s house, our cabin in the woods, my house, no matter where I have been. I still get butterflies in my stomach as it gets closer and […]

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Savannah Fountain (1)

Your Lowest Life Energy Explains a Lot!

You know what you are really good at and conversely, you know what you really aren’t good at. What if what you don’t do really well is tied to your lowest Life Energy? You have all three Life Energies – Aliveness, Truth, and Workability. You know a lot about your primary energy and very little about […]

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How is indecision different from thinking about things? You will often hear people with Truth Life Energy say, “Let me think about that.” This gives them time to process what you’ve said, do their research, and then go inside to make the best decision for the situation. That is different than indecision. If you need a […]

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Rock, paper, scissors (1)

Where do you get stuck, over and over and over?

Do you get stuck in the same way over and over and over? That’s usually a sign that something isn’t working. I know, duh!  You are stuck because you can’t figure it out. You know if you did it (whatever it is) differently, your life would be easier. Here’s the real problem, you don’t know what […]

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Shrine Pass Trail

Mister Rogers – Kindness and Success

Fred Rogers has been quoted as saying, “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” I think that kindness refers to both being kind to ourselves and kind to others. Whether at work or at […]

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Humpty Dumpty St Charles Park (1)

Are You Running Around Like Your Hair’s on Fire?

There’s a difference between being busy and running around like your hair’s on fire! We often confuse the two, thinking that if we are really, really busy it must mean we are getting things done. Additionally, we often think if we are busy it must mean we are effective. So, that brings us to the […]

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